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Tim Kahl is the author of Possessing Yourself, The Century of Travel, and The String of Islands. His work has been published in Prairie Schooner, Drunken Boat, Mad Hatters' Review, Indiana Review, Metazen, Ninth Letter, Sein and Werden, Notre Dame Review, The Reality System, Konundrum Engine Literary Machine, The Journal, The Volta, Parthenon West Review, Caliban and many other journals in the U.S. He is also co-editor of Clade Song. He is the vice president and events coordinator of The Sacramento Poetry Center. He plays flutes, guitars ukuleles, charangos, and cavaquinhos. He currently teaches at California State University, Sacramento, where he sings lieder while walking on campus between classes.

The fascinating poems of Tim Kahl's Omnishambles remind me of the surrealist belief that the universe always gives us exactly what we need. These gifts can come while browsing in a Paris flea market, strolling through a mysterious arcade, or by leaving the hotel room door open to chance, as Breton does in Nadja. In this case the generous universe that supplies the poet is The Sacramento Bee. As he moves through its pages, plumbing the universal unconscious for gifts that coalesce as metaphor and song, Tim Kahl amazes us again and again.

—Lawrence R. Smith, editor of Caliban


rivulet · Tim Kahl - CATDANCE!
Rat Man
rivulet · Tim Kahl - Rat Man
Another Temple Awaits
tnklbnny · Another Temple Awaits
Woodcut of the Heavens
tnklbnny · Woodcut Of The Heavens

Lucky Troll Statue

reenactment of naval battle
fan falls in water
soaks deck of cards
depicting king of hearts
with tattoo of tears

statue of lucky troll
placed on bridge span
points to where
rafter's body last seen
flipping coin

defrocked priest
at Riot Games
passes out condoms
to altar boys
attending with rehabbers

electronic dance music
interrupts quiet period
leading up to IPO for
maker of Robofeet

museum of gun shows
refuses to authenticate
silver bullet that shot
godless commie in back

victim of golf cart accident
claims he was violated
by own species

tnklbnny · Lucky Troll Statue

Brownfield Cleanup

no precedent for change
in humidity
barometer party ends
in ball of confusion

orchestra strike cancels
performance of
Lion Attack Symphony

storm winds down
as evening tide delivers
mix of carrots and sticks

honeybee brains
learn more tasks
on nectar caffeine
Internet seen as cause
for apathy in hive

seeds in fruit act as
laxative to ensure
quick dispersal
regulate pain in
marketplace of plants

brownfield cleanup edict claims:
the dose makes the poison
Yoda says: always in motion
the future is

tnklbnny · Brownfield Cleanup


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