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Bald Trickster Press is a small literary press that focuses primarily on poetry that has been translated into English. It is located in Elk Grove, California, a suburb just to the south of Sacramento, California.

Bald Trickster Press is primarily interested in works from Brazilian Portuguese and German, but works from all languages are considered for publication.

Bald Trickster Press also considers collections of original poetry in English. All styles are welcome, but the editor is looking for under-represented styles of writing, if not the unique and original. Of special interest are poetry manuscripts that deal with scientific themes and/or language, poetry manuscripts that traffic in ideas as well as sentiments, poetry manuscripts where poems are paired with music.

Tim Kahl is editor and founder of the press. He is the author of Possessing Yourself (Word Tech Editions, 2009), The Century of Travel (Word Tech Editions, 2012) The String of Islands (Dink, 2015), Omnishambles (2019) and California Sijo (2022), . He has published work in Prairie Schooner, Amercan Letters & Commentary, Berkeley Poetry Review, Fourteen Hills, George Washington Review, Illuminations, Indiana Review, Limestone, Nimrod, Ninth Letter, Notre Dame Review, South Dakota Quarterly, The Journal, Parthenon West Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, West Wind Review, The Texas Review, Caliban, and many other journals. He has translated German poets Rolf Haufs and Christoph Meckel, Austrian avant-gardist Friederike Mayröcker; Brazilian poets Lêdo Ivo, Marly de Oliveira, Carlos Nejar, and Carlos Drummond de Andrade; and the early poems of the Portuguese language's only Nobel laureate, José Saramago. He also appears as Victor Schnickelfritz at the video, poetry and poetics blog The Great American Pinup. He is also events coordinator with the Sacramento Poetry Alliance, and he teaches at Sacramento City College and Californisa State University, Sacramento.







• Bald Trickster Press
9784 Nature Trail Way
Elk Grove, CA 95757
tnklbnny [at] comcast [dot] net